Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Book!

So, the afghan is coming right along, however, there are so many projects I want to be doing, I had to stop in the middle so as to get on to other less timely things!

The making of the baby book!

When I was in the states, I bought a book full of fantastically colored paper used for scrapbooking. My grandpa laughed as if to say, "what in the hell do you need that for?" The truth is, I didn't need it, but I am glad I have it because it has come in so very handy during these craft making days of my nesting!

What I did was glue these six pages together at the edges, then I cut a piece of heavy mounting board to to size. I carefully glued and cut the paper to envelope the mounting board, creating the front and back of the baby book. Now I just have to take it to get spiral bound Friday morning!

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