Saturday, July 11, 2009

8 weeks

At 8 weeks the embryo now becomes known as a fetus- Latin for "young one." The young one weighs less than half an ounce and it's primitive circulatory system is carrying blood and oxygen to it's rapidly developing digestive tract.

If you ask me, there is nothing cute about this photo. The body is an incredible mechanism, mindblowing even in it's ability to create life, but cute, cute is something it is not.
My "young one" looks a bit more like an alien!

Morning Sickness
My morning sickness comes and goes...and as long as I keep ingesting massive amounts of oranges and mandarins
I find that I am A.O.K!

Of all the books and suggestions, I have to hand it to my genius cousin about the vitamin C tip. No where in any book has it mentioned this small yet pertinent detail! You can eat all the saltines and drink all the sprite that you want...but the only thing that has seemed to work for me is 2-3 glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice per day.

After a long online chat with a friend, I realized that my stomach is being very demanding at very early stages! I am only 2 months prego and already I am having to indulge what seem like life or death cravings. Two days ago, at approximately 9pm, I HAD to make Tiramisu. I was not going to be able to sleep if I did not eat at least a portion of this creamy chocolate decadence. Now, if I am experiencing this at only 2 months, I am afraid of what is to come! So, after chatting a good long while, we came to this conclusion:

Claudio is a saint!

He is so patient and attentive, catering to my outlandish needs. I truly am a crowned queen. (Fun Fact: Stephanie, Greek in origin, means "crowned")

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm yum yum tirimisu! dang i wish i was there to take care of you through the whole pregnancy! i miss you sissy. and i think both baby names you have chosen are perfect!


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