Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm Back!

Hello dear members of my family. The last time I wrote was a little over 2 years ago. I can't believe it. So many things have happened, I couldn't possibly keep up with the blog and with all of you and I am sorry for that, but, today I have made the decision to make special time, even if it means just once per month, to keep you all in the loop of our lives here down south.

The biggest and best news we have to share with you is that we are having another baby! Now, this wasn't necessarily planned, but as John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens when you are busy planning for it." And we couldn't be happier about this little surprise.

Juani is especially happy. In fact, I think he has been wishing and hoping for a brother or sister for about a year now. He is convinced it will be a boy and has decided the name will be Marco. I, in the meantime feel pretty strongly that it will be a girl and have decided her name will be Amara, meaning "the beloved."

I have my first appointment with the doctor on Monday the 25th to make sure everything look good, and I am sure it will as I feel pretty good, (other than feeling quite exhausted).

They always say that every pregnancy is different and that there is no real handbook for going through it. But this time around all I want to do is lay around on the couch, sleep 10 hour nights, take long naps, oh, and EAT! I can not believe how hungry I am!

We estimate that Amara's (or Marco's) estimated arrival date will be around the first part of April. This means that us coming in July is pretty much out of the question so we will shoot for Christmas, only this time, instead of 3, we will be 4.