Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Good News!!

People always say that no news is good news, well, I disagree. Good news is good news! Yesterday we went as a family group, Juani in tow with his toy cars and all, to the doctor's to have our first ultrasound of our newest addition to the family.
We sat their patiently, well, Claudio and I did at least, and awaited our turn. Juani, on the contrary was full of questions: "Is the baby going to come out today?" "How does the baby eat?" "Mommy, you should have them take the photo from your back so we can see if it is a girl or boy, because if it has a pony tail we will know it is a girl." Everyone in the waiting room, needless to say, was in stitches.

Well, because I am not one to worry, I went right in, unbuttoned my pants and laid down on the gurney, after all, I am a seasoned veteran, or so I thought.
But when hey put that gewy gunk on my stomach and began searching for the little bean inside of me, I felt my anxiety rise. "Is he/she healthy, does he/she have all 10 fingers and toes, is the little head properly formed???"

Hesitation. The worst! Then the doctor says: "I am going to need you to go to the bathroom as we usually only ask you to retain urine when it is the first ultrasound."
"This is the first ultra sound,"I responded.
"Oh, well here it says you are only 8 weeks but based on the size, I would say you are more like 14."

After relieving my very full bladder, I laid back down and he proceeded to show me the tiny hands, one up and covering his/her face, the other stretched above his/her head. His/her tiny face with a button nose and his/her feet stretched out in what appeared to be a relaxing pose! He/she had a hiccup at one point, and kind of jumped with a start. His/her head shaped in a perfect walnut, fully formed and beautiful and the best part, he/she measures 7.5 centimeters!
As we got to thinking about how big or small that really was, Claudio grabbed Juani's Hot wheels car and measured the circumference as well as length and we realized baby bean is the exact same size!!

So, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but if I had my intuition prior to the ultrasound about it being a girl, I am convinced 10 times over after seeing the delicacy in her structure. Then again, anything measuring 7.5 centimeters is likely delicate!

I will try to scan photos of the ultrasound so you can see them too, but hopefully, in the meantime, I was capable of drawing you a nice mental picture.

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