Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Long Needed

That's right folks, nothing but changes around here! After months of high level stress of high season work hours, Holidays, Birthdays, changes in lifestyle, and just one week into Claudio's change of profession, we decided to head to the ocean. I have lived in Argentina now for a bit over 6 years and it is hard to believe that I am only now becoming acquainted with the Argentinean sea!
Juani, on the other hand, is getting his first taste!

We left on Saturday afternoon, contrary to gut feelings and worries of leaving the school in the hands of the professors during high season but knowing that my personal health was contingent on taking some time off, we drove 7.5 hours south east to a small place called Mar de las Pampas.

It is a fairytale. I have never in my life seen anything quite like it. All dirt roads, tucked away cabins in the woods, all in front of a huge sand bar that one must climb to the top of to then look out over the amazing and breathtaking Atlantic ocean.

We arrived with no reservation and stopped off at one the first places that had caught our eye online, Calamaresco, and there is where we planted our base for the next week, just one block from the ocean.

These are the highlights thus far:
There are so many more highlights to come and many more stories to tell because, from this point forward, life will be different. I am no longer running and raising a child on my own but rather with the love of my life by my side 24 hours a day rather than 2 (and 8 sleeping hehe) It feels great, sometimes scary, but wonderful to wake up to a new routine.

Things that make us smile in the day are as follows: having breakfast TOGETHER, being able to ride our bikes to work (though Claudio was given the car as a sort of severance pay) eating lunch together, taking Juan to school TOGETHER, picking Juan up from school TOGETHER, cooking and cleaning TOGETHER.
Really, I think all my wishes in life have now come true.

So, I am going to now, finish my glass of wine, lay on the couch, ready my book and enjoy life the way it should be.

Hope you are all well and that you plan to read far more posts from this day forward as I plan to write a great deal more.
I am sending you my love from perhaps the most southern part of the hemisphere I have ever inhabited.

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