Tuesday, August 23, 2011

US Vacation 2011

Its been real, it's been fun, it's been real fun, and sadly, we are now back home, back to reality and back to the routine.
It feels good to be home, though, as always, I am torn.
Torn between two cultures, two families, two hemispheres, two homes...

While we slowly adapt to this other life, I wanted to recap our most amazing adventures and send Thanks to each and every one of you! This trip could not have been so amazing had it not been for you all!

So here is goes...
We started out in Vegas. Plane late, bodies tired, nerves on edge, we arrived around 1am Vegas time. I am not sure I have ever been sleepier in my life.
We spent most of the first day just recuperating, napping off and on until later afternoon when my aunt came to pick us up for a very important meeting; Liam and Juani, cousins in some way or another, had a play date.
Here is what it looked like:

At first Liam was not at all happy about Juan's wanting to cover him in kisses, and Amy and I laughed about how Juan didn't want her to touch Liam, as if he were HIS toy, not HERS. Then, as Liam warmed up to his older cousin, he was all smiles and giggles as Juan held him close.

Juan also took to town on the piano, where he, unlike most kids his age, did not bang away at the keys, but merely touched them lightly to bring about a sound. He is a natural!

From Vegas we jogged on over to Yucca Valley for a short week and spent time with the grandparents and my dad, as well as some of my life long friends.
It was lovely and relaxing. We just hung around, played in water, ate good food and enjoyed the company.
Then, back to Vegas for a few more days of nonstop fun, shark exhibits ("emo" aka Nemo, was nowhere to be found)

He had no fear at the pool! Sort of scary, in fact, the way he would just walk right off the edge and come splashing into the water! Then, we boarded, yet another plane, and began our voyage to Portland! We had such a good time with Amber! Saw her cute little house, spent days wandering the city, which looks like some sort of hippie fairy tale wonderland, had our very own waterfront condo near the Pearl District, saw some friends, ate lots of great food, went to the zoo...But I think all will agree that our berry picking day was the highlight of the week!
While we were looking for the zoo, we decided to detour to explore the Pittock Mansion, and while we didn't go inside, I can only imagine how incredible it must be, because the outside alone speaks marvels.

Juan cried when we had to leave the elephants, it was like he connected with her! Amazing!

By the time we left the orchard, Juan was stripped down to just is diaper and tennis shoes and looked like a blood thirsty vampire! Upon checking out, there was no way to avoid paying for, at the very least, 1/2 of eaten berries and prepare ourselves for the diarrhea to follow, and oh did it follow...hehe
After we left the farm, we meandered on over to a part of the island that faces the river, lined by sandy beaches and friendly families playing in it's cooling waters, Amber, received her wings as "official aunt" when Juan had a little accident, hehe caused largely by berries.
Another amazing thing about Portland is their food carts, if you don't know, you should! I could delve into an entire economic theory about why and how they are so amazing, but this is neither the time nor the place, so we will save that grace. However, there is one food cart, in particular, that deserves mention, and that is the Grilled Cheese Grill, an old double decker bus that serves grilled cheese sandwiches in all sorts of fanciful ways.
On our final night in Portland we dinned at a beautiful and delicious restaurant where a close friend of mine works. The place is called, Navarre (I think that is how you spell it) and it was sooooooo yummy!!! The flavors were exotic and creative and booming with savory goodness.
to be continued...

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