Saturday, March 5, 2011

The cutest thing ever!

While we were in Vegas, as some of you may recall, a very close friend from my childhood made a 4 hour drive to visit us in Vegas. We had lunch, we met for dinner and then, she drove 4 hours back to Yucca Valley.
She was not the only one to go out of her way to see us while we were in the states. My sister booked a flight to San Francisco, my friend Keri, 7 months pregnant, flew in from Seattle, Molly arrived from a 4 hours drive to join us for brunch, Chuck also drove in from San Luis Obispo, just to have lunch with us. This is what true friendship is all about. Going out of your way, just because.
So, getting back on track from my sentimental tangent, Bri, my childhood friend and I were pregos together clear across the globe and just a few months after I gave birth to Juan, she gave light to Lucy. So, not only was it eventful for her and I to see each other after so many years, but for our children to meet for the first time.
here is what happened.
It was love at first site! He kissed her...
He followed her every move...
And though he was sad to see her go, he was happy because he knew he would see her again!

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