Monday, February 14, 2011

A letter from Mom

In Juan's baby book there was a page where I could write a letter to him, supposedly before he was born or just after he was born but I never felt inclined to write. You see, I think, in order to write a profoundly felt letter to someone, you have to know them. While I have always felt a great connection with Juan on several levels, his personality was merely peeking through the haze of baby mannerisms. A few days before he turned one, I opened his book and decided it was time to write. Here is what I wrote:

Dear Juan,
In just a few days you will be turning 1 year old. I can hardly believe time has sped by so quickly. You are the little boy that I had always dreamed of having by my side; smart, beautiful, loving, and more. Each day my love for you grows exponentially as I watch you discover the world around you with innocence and adoration in your eyes. Daily I am amazed at your purity and your ability to absorb the ways of this world, allowing the novelties to fascinate you for hours on end. I promise to always procure the magic that lies within you, to never impede it's creativity, and to inspire you as much as you inspire me.
Love always,
Your mommy.

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