Friday, August 13, 2010

We are experiencing technical difficulties, please hold for next associate

So I bet you are all wondering why I haven't posted anything new and lovely on the blog lately, well let me tell you, I never fully realized just how much internet affects my everyday life, how entirely dependent I am on it, and how I feel just short of crying from frustration when I can not, check email correspondence, call my family, chat with friends, listen to music, download photos and videos for re-post, I suddenly feel like I don't know what I am going to do with myself!

I, oh so savvy computer tech (laughing under my breathe)decided it was high time I went out and invested in a wireless internet connection so that both of my laptops could be surfing the web at all times, (ok I admit, I secretly just want to be able to lay in bed and chat with you guys! what a lazy ass I am huh?)
So I went out, bought the best wireless router money can buy came home, attempted installation, and was stumped. Digging myself into an IT whole, I connected, reconnected, disconnected, installed, and uninstalled, but to no avail. Finally, swallowing my pride, I confessed to not REALLY being a technician and called someone to solve my problems.
60 pesos later, the problem was not solved.
2 days later, exchanges of equipment, and more phone calls to my service provider, I was still attempting to configure my new toy. Through tears of frustration I again called the Techy for help and he was able to set up the modem, but only for one of my computers, the old one that has none of the fun programs on it like Skype and Publisher, things I use daily...He then had to take my new beautiful notebook with him for further assessment, with hopes of resolving the problem in 24 hours...well those 24 hours have passed, and I am still here biting my nails as to whether or not I am really to blame for this entire mess!
Boy have I learned my lesson. Never again will I try to "save money" by doing it myself. I plan to just call the god damned expert from the get go and save time, headache, and money, in he long run.

I have been taking lots of lovely videos to post for you guys as soon as I get my addiction back so, stay tuned. In the meantime you will have to just settle for my words and my love, and know that I miss you all.

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