Friday, July 23, 2010

I am not biased!

My son is simply the cutest kid I have ever seen. And I am not the only one who seems to think so. People stop us in the street to tell me how beautiful he is (see previous entry's face touching "awers" refrence) Women are already melting at his feet as he plays coy, grinning yet turning away as if he were actually shy. (yeah right!)
There are days that I look at him and wonder, how did I get so lucky? There are day when I watch him sleep and think to myself, now can one individual be so perfect?

News of the week:
So after sleeping through the night by 4 months, we obviously had to digress to waking upon every hour just to make sure I get the full experience of motherhood. After 3 back to back sleepless nights I finally decided I would merely let him grunt and protest in his crib all by his lonesome, hoping and praying he would go back to sleep. WRONG! His grunt quickly escalated to mild screams and finally a bit of crying, yet I was determined to go back to sleep, inviting him to do the same (once he had tired himself out of course) However, I was completely unsuccessful and here is why. After about 10 minutes of attempting to ignore him from across the hall I suddenly heard magic words. That is right ladies and gentlemen, my Argentine American son began babbling mama mama mama with an Italian accent. Of course, I broke and immediately gave in, kissing him from head to toe, my frowns turning to smiles, as I tucked him beside me, in the end, giving him what he wanted, his Mama.
Other, news on the forefront is that it appears Juan has a thing for older women. He has somewhat of a Czechoslovakian girlfriend! Her name is Maggie and she comes to play once a week while I give her mother Spanish classes.
So cute! So innocent!

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