Tuesday, October 27, 2009

24 weeks

Our baby now weighs in over a pound, and measures just under a foot long. It's eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed. I know this because it said so in the Deepak Chopra book my mommy gave me, but also because we went last night to my second ultrasound.

It was so fascinating and yet it still feels unbelievable! As soon as the doctor placed his magic little wand on my little baby bump we saw a crystal clear image of our baby, pudgy cheeks and all, in the middle of a full out yawn!

As soon as I saw him/her I began to giggle, whereby loosing the image a bit, only to come back to it and find the baby too seemed to be smiling!

It is wound up into a little ball, fully formed spine, brain, and heart, as well as feet, legs and hands, all in a jumble. But the sure fire sign that this baby is mine, can be found in the size of it's feet! We both burst out laughing when the doc focused in on our baby's wide duck like feet pushing up against my uterine wall. Ever so articulately, Claudio said, "I think it is a Cariker all the way."

All I could do was smile until my cheeks hurt...

So, here is the update.
With Summer approaching, I am entering my busy season with foreigners coming to learn Spanish which is super exciting, watching my business grow into a success.
We are also in the final stages of the second level of the house, all that is left is the stairwell and the flooring, and of course the decorative touches. I can not wait! I have been living in a constant state of hammers and dust since early July and have completely forgotten what it is like to have a clean house.

One of my closest long lost friends is to arrive on Tuesday and it looks as of right now, that she will be sleeping on the couch situated next to our bed that has been moved into our living room/office, until they finish the stairs. Soooo it will be a slumber party! Hope my hubby approves!

Because the previous photos do no justice to my sudden roundness, I think it is worthy of noting that I have officially gained 10 pounds and have finally resorted to not buttoning my everyday jeans but merely leaving them unzipped while covering them with long shirts and dresses. Gym clothes here I come!

23 weeks

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