Monday, May 24, 2010

We spend our time playing...

This has been a long yet fly by weekend for us. 4 days feel more like 2, but we have enjoyed it all the same, even if the weather has kept us indoors thanks to the constant drizzle, we have found ways to entertain ourselves.

I invite you to watch just one of the many ways we did so...

Have hiccups ever been so cute?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why my life is so beautiful...

Because while I am cooking dinner, I turn around to the calling of my name, only to find this...

Can someone please explain?

Ok so how is it possible that my son, having never met his aunt, inherited one of her terrible habits?!?! Yes Amber I am talking about you! Is it possible that sucking your fingers is genetically transferable and if so, can we please modify that? This is Juani's latest habit...I am trying my damnedest to break it before it begins...but to no avail as of late...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Mommy's Day

I woke up this morning, after sleeping through the night for the second time this week, to my husband and son smiling at me. "Claudio, in his broken English and Argentine accent, said, "Mommy, we hab someting to say to you. HAPPY MUDDER'S DAY!" Of course I teared up through my smiling cheeks, and thought to myself. I really love my life and it is because of these two boys that I do so.

Oh and my predictions were close to correct. Juani, at three months, is weighing in at 14.1 pounds and is exactly 2 feet long which means we can no longer bathe him in the bathroom sink...


The night before his 3 month birthday, he did it, he slept through the night. In our bed, of course, but nonetheless, the entire night!!! We had a hell of a time getting him down, but once we did, he slept from 9:30pm to 5:20am without waking! I sang to the gods, I cried tears of happiness, I wanted get down and kiss his feet in praise, even though I kiss his feet every day. This day was different, this day was going to be a beautiful stress free day.
Now you might ask, "Well, how did you do it?" And I will tell you, I threw away the text book theories and just went with my gut feeling, which by this time was screaming, "GO TO SLEEP OR I MAY NEVER LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!" I put him on his stomach to sleep. I sat with him through the first hour to make sure he was not going to die. And when I saw that he moved his head around with ease, I stopped worrying. My kid hates sleeping on his back. That is the answer. Something so easy and obvious. Now all of the books say that a grand percentage of infants that die of sudden infant death syndrome were sleeping on their stomachs, but what those same reports don't ever mention is that most of the infants also lived in a home where one or both parents smoked cigarettes inside the home.
Back in the day, the text book said quite the opposite, "never let a child sleep on their back for fear they might spit up and choke on their vomit." So, I risked it and took the jump and would you believe, Juan has now slept through the night 2 out of three nights in a row. He is napping regularly, sleeping an hour to 2 hours each nap. He is happy and not fussy, and the key is to shower him each night at 7ish, so that he is in bed by 8:00... He sleeps an hour or so...wakes up for one last play time...and goes back down an hour later, waking up early the next morning.
I feel like a new woman! I have time to shower, I have time to cook, I even finished various projects this week!